Selasa, 05 Januari 2010


wew, yang ada di bawah ini adalah kerjaan saya pada saat kelas tiga sma untuk menghadapi tes akhir agar lulus dari sebuah course english. topic yang saya ambil sangat kontroversial. saya ingat apa yang dibilang guru saya bahwa untuk hal presentasi argumentatif seperti ini saya harus berani mengambil topic kontroversial biarpun saya sendiri sebenarnya tidak suka dengan topic ini. beliau bilang, "Disitulah tantangannya!" so, this is it !




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High Intermediate 4

LBPP LIA Cirebon



1. Marriage is not always for getting child

2. Gay and lesbian parenting support from medical experts

3. Homosexuality is humanity (as biological one)

4. Freedom for homosexuality


1. Religion’s way

2. Myth about homosexuality

Thesis Statement

Although homosexuality is abnormal, it should be legalized to show humanity and freedom.


Body Paragraphs

A. Topic Sentence: Most people still have an opinion that homosexuality is abnormal and immoral practices.

• Religion in the world considers homosexuality unacceptable

• Homosexuality an abnormal and unhealthy form of human relationship

B. Topic Sentence: People might have feared or hated homosexuals because of some of the myths they hear about.

• One example of homosexuality myths

B. Topic Sentence: As you can see, the practice of homosexuality has not always been stigmatized but rather, has been widely accepted in many cultures as a normal part of life.

• The existence of homosexuality practices

• Examples of homosexuals

C. Topic Sentence: Indeed, one study found that the only difference between such couples was that lesbian couples exhibit more awareness of parenting skills than do heterosexual couples.

• The meaning of marriage

• Parenting skills of homosexuals

D. Topic Sentence: For too long homosexuality has been considered a form of "deviant sexual behavior".

• Biological causation of homosexuality

E. Topic Sentence: Sexual orientation should have no bearing on a person's status as a citizen with civil rights in the political community.

•Civil rights

•Human society

F. Refutation: After knowing several reasons above, it can be said that homosexuality should be accept, have it own right, and the homosexuals should treated the same.

Homosexuality is not a crime. It is very much within the human nature. It is subjective. It is a right to ones own sexuality. It is a democratic demand. Homosexuality tends to get more attention because it should be a matter of basic civil and equal rights. Though gays are the minority of our society, their rights should be protected by law. That's one of the reasons why we have all the laws! Some people say that we don't have to legalize homosexual marriage. However, why not? They may make some people frown, but that can't be the reason. The marriage is for lovers. If they love each other, they should be allowed to have a family of their own. Even if gay marriage were harmful, the equality and dignity of gay couples should be respected. There are good reasons to think that legalized gay marriage would benefit us all. Legalizing gay marriage will not rock the stability of this country or the morality of its citizens. Although homosexuality is abnormal, it should be legalized to show humanity and freedom.

Virtually every religion in the world, including the major ones in this country, considers homosexuality unacceptable. Some people who consider homosexuality an abnormal and unhealthy form of human relationship should, nonetheless, work to uphold the civil rights of all citizens, including those who practice homosexuality, just as they would uphold the civil rights of practicing heterosexuals who violate their marriage bonds or engage in premarital heterosexuality. Most people still have an opinion that homosexuality is abnormal and immoral practices.

People might have feared or hated homosexuals because of some of the myths they hear about. There are myths about how homosexuality is deviance and how homosexuals introduce HIV/AIDS to society. From these myths people began to develop homophobia and a lot of them have physically and verbally abused homosexuals.

The practice of homosexuality is not one that has recently developed, but rather, it has been around since the ancient cultures of Greece and Rome. Although the term homosexuality did not exist until 1869, the practice of it in ancient cultures was considered be to a normal part of life. Many famous Greek philosophers of the time had male partners as well as their wives. Such men were Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. It was common practice for a male to take on a young boy as his lover until he reached maturity where he would, in turn, take on another young boy as his lover. In Roman society, the emperor himself married his male lover.

Map_Euro.pngplato coy!.jpgLikewise, some Native-Americans in North America chose the "Berdache" lifestyle where men dressed as women and dated other men and women dressed as men and dated other women. This practice was less stigmatized because these couples had the appearance of heterosexuality. In many cultures in New Guinea and Africa, it was common practice for men to inseminate young boys at puberty so they could become men in their sexuality. As you can see, the practice of homosexuality has not always been stigmatized but rather, has been widely accepted in many cultures as a normal part of life.

It is true that the meaning of marriage has been questioned among the years. At first, marriage may have been the commitment between a man and a woman. With the advancements of the world, society is going to change. The changing is that a marriage can be a union of two men or two women. First, look at the definition of marriage. If we look at a dictionary we will notice that there are several definitions for the word marriage. In essence a marriage is a contract between one person and another person. It is a union of two people or two items. Since a marriage is commitment between two people, then a homosexual marriage should be accounted for. We also have to look at the essence of a marriage. Marriages consist of love, commitment, attachment, understanding, and affection. Homosexual relationships consist of these things. So why deny two people who love each other the opportunity to make their commitment legal and receive the legal benefits of marriage? Moreover, that a male and female marriage is not the only place that a child can be raised. A child needs love, understanding, affection, and ability to express themselves, the ability to learn about society and how to deal the world around them in a healthy way. A child receives the things that are needed to grow into a healthy adult. The child simple does not have the gender stigmas that a heterosexual relationship produces. Additional evidence shows that children raised by gay men may even have some advantages over children raised by heterosexual men. Gay men are often especially concerned about being good and nurturing fathers and they try hard to raise their children with nonsexist, egalitarian attitudes. Children of lesbian couples and heterosexual couples are equally adjusted behaviorally, show equivalent cognitive development, and have similar behaviors in school. Studies tracking the long-term progress of children of lesbian mothers have revealed no significant differences between them and children of heterosexual mothers along any of the following key developmental dimensions:

· Gender development: children of lesbian parents are no more likely to have confused or unconventional gender identity or behavior, or to have gay or lesbian sexual orientation.

· Self-esteem and emotional wellbeing: the behavior, intelligence, psychiatric and emotional condition of children of lesbian parents is within the normal range.

· Social development: children of lesbian parents are within the normal range of confidence, and have positive peer relationships.

They are no more likely to be teased or bullied than children of heterosexual mothers. These longitudinal studies report on children of lesbian mothers separated from previous heterosexual relationships. There are fewer studies on children raised from infancy in lesbian parent families. Such studies nevertheless corroborate the findings of the longitudinal studies. Some studies, however, do report that some children of lesbian parents exhibit some of the following developmental differences:

· Are more willing to consider homosexuality as an option (even if not pursue it)

· Are characterized as more affectionate and responsive, and report a greater sense of well-being and contentment about themselves

· Fear stigmatization, have a more negative reaction to stress, and remember teasing more.

· Perceive themselves as less intellectually and physically competent than children from father-parent families.

275-2000.gif197-9000.gifIndeed, one study found that the only difference between such couples was that lesbian couples exhibit more awareness of parenting skills than do heterosexual couples.

An overwhelming amount of research has been done showing that homosexuality has a biological cause- not a genetic one, but a biological one. The easiest way to think of it is as a hormonal switch that gets thrown one way or the other. Not always, but many times, secondary sexual characteristics resemble the opposite sex. In other words, homosexual males often have softer voices. Lesbians may have strong cheekbones and a more masculine body shape. Those hormone switches affect it all.

Sexual orientation should have no bearing on a person's status as a citizen with civil rights in the political community. Civil rights include the right to life, property, religious freedom, free speech, freedom of association, access to a fair trial, participation in political and legal processes, and equal treatment under the law. When the civil rights of citizens are threatened because of their sexual orientation, it may be appropriate for government to provide special protection against such discriminatory treatment. Human society includes various forms of friendship and relationships, some of which involve enduring commitments. There is no reason to single out homosexual relationships for extra public-legal recognition or benefit. The uniform protection of civil rights assures all citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation, of the right to form associations for legal, educational, financial, religious, and other purposes. In addition to recognizing the civil rights of individuals, public law should also recognize the rights of certain institutions and organizations – such as marriage, family, church, university, and corporation.

After knowing several reasons above, it can be said that homosexuality should be accepted, have it own right, and the homosexuals should treated the same. Homosexuality will show you life in different way and let you understood with words “Live and Let Live”.

In brief, homosexuality should be legalized and be able to marry and have the same rights as heterosexual couples. You have to have the same look to the homosexual as your look to the heterosexual. You will have to accept every one because if your own sister or brother or any other family member or even your best friend was gay or lesbian, you wouldn’t disown them right? So, treat everyone in a same ways and don’t bother his or her life.

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